Sustainability at JUFOL

We protect what you value – as well as our environment

What we are already doing today

Looking for a sustainable partner with environmentally responsible products and an understanding of social standards along the supply chain? Then you have come to the right place. Discover our commitment to sustainability.

Clever Recycling
We focus on up to 100% recyclable solutions and the use of recyclates in our products. This includes both post industrial recyclate (PIR) and post consumer recyclate (PCR).

How to do more with less
By intelligently reducing the amount of material used in our products, we are able to conserve resources without compromising product performance.

Taking responsibility
– and along the supply chain, as demonstrated by the use of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) audit, which is based on the UN Human Rights Charter and International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards, among.

What come next
Holistic concepts, including collection, to mapping the circular economy for and with our partners.

More on this shortly.

Want even more sustainability??


Then have a look at the POLIFILM Group’s Sustainability Report to find out more about our commitment.

Skalierbar & kundenindividuell

Sie haben Großes vor und brauchen mehr als ein paar Rollen Folie oder möchten das Wirkprinzip auf andere Folienlösungen übertragen? Kein Problem. Wir passen die antiviralen Folien auf Ihre Bedürfnisse an.

Ideal für Ihre Promotion

Mehr Hygiene bedeutet mehr Schutz und das gibt Sciherheit – egal ob beim Geschäftstermin,  dem Restaurantbesuch oder der Shoppingtour. Werben Sie für Ihre Bemühungen Kunden und Partnern gegenüber.

Do you have any questions?

We will be pleased to answer them! Send us a message – We will come back to you as soon as possible.
You can call us +49 (0) 821 3432199-0 or reach us via email